How to Achieve and Exceed Your Goals in 2025


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Strategic planning and goal achievement are top of mind at the start of the year. Setting the right goals is imperative. The SMARTER Goal method is an excellent place to start.


S M A R T E R Goals

S pecific

M easurable

A ctive

R elevant

T ime Bound

E nergizing

R ealistic


For actions to be specific, they must include the following:

· What you are going to do

· When you are going to do it

· How often you will do it

· Who will you do it with


Measurable goals include specifics such as day, time, how much, and for how long.


Achievable goals are truly doable. They involve some effort, but it’s highly probable they’ll be achieved.


Relevant goals are crucial for sustainability. A relevant goal is something you want to do versus something you feel you should do.


Time-bound goals create accountability and a sense of urgency.


Energizing goals keep you motivated. The motivating component is tied to a laser-focused vision and a strong WHY.


Realistic goals build momentum. As humans, we want instant gratification. Feeling successful gives us gratification. When goals are unrealistic, it’s easy to lose motivation and give up.


SMARTER Goals alone, will not guarantee goal achievement. Having the right mindset is necessary.


You’ve probably heard the quote: “If you believe you can’t, you won’t. If you believe you can, you will.”


Your thoughts impact your belief system which drives your behavior. If you lack confidence that goal achievement is possible, it’s unlikely you will achieve your goals. Conversely, if you believe that goal achievement is possible, and are willing to take decisive action to make it happen, you will be successful.


How do professional athletes and Olympians win?


They have a winner’s mindset. They can visualize the winning play, landing a perfect dismount, or finishing the race in record time. They imagine how they’ll feel when they achieve victory and visualize how the fans will react. They live and breathe their vision on a daily basis. They are so invested in their vision that they have no doubt they will achieve their goal.


Despite best laid plans, life can happen, eroding mindset and making it challenging to stay focused and on plan. An excellent way to maintain a positive mindset is to be mentally fit.


When we’re mentally fit, we respond to life’s challenges with a positive versus a negative mindset. We are able to see the gift and opportunity in difficult situations, or at the very least, accept situations as is.


The first step in becoming mentally fit is to recognize the negative thought patterns that are impacting behavior.


The second step is to intercept negative thought patterns with a series of micro-meditations that focus on the senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell). These micro-meditations, called PQ Reps, take the focus off negative thought patterns, making it easier to shift to a positive perspective.


When we’re operating from a positive mindset, we can lean upon five Sage powers to help us overcome challenges with ease, and stay focused to achieve our goals.

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To learn more about mental fitness and how it can improve performance, communication, health, wellbeing, and mental clarity, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Call.

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Cheers to achieving and exceeding your New Year’s goals!


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